Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Beholder's Eye

(Well, I was not bored or at school. I was exhausted and at home, and I suddenly got this really creepy idea. I think I channeled Sylvia Plath. Anyway, I wrote this last night, and it hasn't really been edited much, so it's rough, but I kind of like it this way. And for the record, no, I do not actually feel this way.)

The beholder's eye
just got shot
struck with an arrow
feathered with ice

Crystalline elegance
pierced it
shoved a stake in its heart

Its pulsing, beating,
bleeding heart

It's learned how to see
It has a peep hole now
into all the nasty crevices
of every unique snowflake

Am I beautiful yet?


Anonymous said...

This is really neat! The last line surprised me and I like the way it worked. Also, nice playing with "it" "its" and "it's."

theSamfest said...

I have a vague idea of what's actually going on, but all of the images are so cool that I really don't care. Yay!