Saturday, July 4, 2009


Charles, this is in honor of your Thanksgiving Dinner poem. Input appreciated as always.


10 dollars to park
7 inches of mud
1 mad dash of jaywalking
3 Michael Jackson songs
38 cookouts
1 small Boy Scout selling glowsticks
2 baseball teams
60 minutes to wait
1 huge dark cloud in the South
2 kids shamelessly making out under a tree
3 boys speaking Spanish
4 seconds between raindrops
8 mounted officers
16 piles of horse droppings, at least
379 intermittent illegal private explosions of fireworks
4 impatient family members
45 minutes to wait
1 huge dark cloud overhead
2 worried expressions
5 text messages sent
.34 seconds between raindrops
1 more mad jaywalking dash
1 giant gorilla statue
38 grills still going
2 Johnny Cash songs
.02 seconds between raindrops
1 umbrella blown inside out
1 illegal private explosion, right behind Mom
1 "freakin' deluge"
4 family members in a dry car
1 fairly significant traffic jam
25 rescheduled minutes of fireworks, rain check tomorrow.